“I just need a headshot.”
“Why ‘just’?
“Just” is used to diminish things.
To make something smaller, less important, less significant.

Is that what you want to be small, less important, less significant.
Play to WIN, to grow, expand.
Where you want your business to be in 5 years? Start playing like that.
“Just a headshot” is not going to get you there.
Where you want to BE, not where you are NOW, and create your brand in that direction.

Some people avoid getting a headshot done because they don’t feel worthy. They don’t feel validated in their space enough to do it, much less get a full personal branding portfolio.
A full portfolio is 30+ curated images ready to use on many platforms, numerous marketing messages, ready to populate your website, and get YOU SEEN AND HEARD!
It’s scary taking that step, validating yourself and your dreams.
A photo session alone can help you do that. I’ve seen numerous clients go on to elevate their business. Grow subscribers, further their reach, make more money, more speaking gigs, publish that book, do more good.
Who are you NOT to play BIG?
I believe it’s our duty to play big, to do as much as we can.
Don’t let that inner critique stop you from doing and being the most, the best you can.
Go get ‘em!
I’m here to support you, and help create your genuine brand story, show the spirit of you.
Contact me today to learn more.